In Jefferson County, it is illegal to sell sexual acts for money or anything else of value. A conviction for a charge of prostitution may come with significant penalties ranging from jail time to fines and could lead to social stigmatization that potentially lasts for years.
A prostitution charge is not automatically a conviction. A Jefferson County prostitution lawyer may be able to raise certain defenses on your behalf to fight the prosecution’s allegations. Hiring a skilled personal injury attorney could be the first step to understanding your rights and how to best proceed with a criminal case.
Prostitution Laws in Jefferson CountyIn Jefferson County, Alabama Code §13A-12-120 defines prostitution as performing a sexual act, intercourse, or any other sexual contact in exchange for money or something else of value. Simply agreeing to engage in this conduct and then accepting payment in furtherance of it may run afoul of the law set out in AL Code §13A-12-121(c). Jefferson County also has a local prohibition against the act of prostitution.
Amendment 688 to the Alabama State Constitution, which specifically addresses prostitution in Jefferson County, largely mirrors the state laws against prostitution. It stretches further than the state laws by covering more forms of aiding and abetting prostitution. A prostitution attorney in Jefferson County could go into further detail about what these laws consider to be prostitution and how best to defend against accusations of violating them.
Penalties for a Prostitution ConvictionIn Jefferson County, the consequences of a criminal conviction on a charge of prostitution may be very serious depending on a few key factors. As a Class A misdemeanors, a first-time prostitution conviction carries a potential of up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $6,000. These penalties may be possible whether the conviction came under state law or local Jefferson County ordinance. Subsequent convictions may result in even stiffer criminal penalties.
The social stigma of having a criminal background with a prostitution conviction could be even more damaging over the long term. Background checks by potential employers or landlords could reveal this prior conviction and shut the door on important opportunities. A Jefferson County prostitiution lawyer could explain the potential consequences a conviction may have on an accused person’s life.
Defending Against a Prostitution ChargeThe steep penalties and social stigmatization associated with prostitution charges might make it crucial to defend against a charge of prostitution in Jefferson County as thoroughly as possible. There are numerous legal defenses that a prostitution attorney in Jefferson County could raise on the behalf of the accused to defend their rights and future in court.
One of the most important potential defenses in a prostitution case could be entrapment. While law enforcement in Jefferson County has the right to find and apprehend those they suspect of committing criminal acts, they typically cannot coerce or force innocent people into committing crimes for the purposes of arresting and charging them. If police go too far in their investigation of prostitution, their actions may trigger an entrapment defense that an attorney to make use of in an accused person’s defense.
Speaking With a Jefferson County Prostitution AttorneyIf you were arrested and accused of prostitution, the upcoming legal process could overwhelming. Defending against the charge is typically not just about trying to avoid a stint in jail and a costly fine—you may also be fighting to protect your reputation as well.
A Jefferson County prostitution lawyer may be able to help by challenging the prosecutor’s evidence and raising pertinent legal defenses that make use of the facts of your particular case. By invoking your rights and raising reasonable doubts about the evidence that the prosecutor has, a dedicated attorney could provide the kind of help that you need the most. To get started exploring your options, call today.