Prostitution is generally defined as the commission of a sexual act for monetary consideration. It is illegal in Alabama and usually charged as a Class A misdemeanor. Sexual contact need not take place for law enforcement officers to arrest someone they suspect of agreeing to engage in sex in exchange for money or something else of value. Due to sting operations, arrests for prostitution and solicitation happen on a daily basis.
A prostitution charge is serious. Due to the high stakes nature of such an arrest—risking damage to your reputation, your family, and your career—help should be sought as soon as possible. If you have been charged with any prostitution-related crime, you need the help of a powerful Tuscaloosa prostitution lawyer who understands the law and will zealously defend you. Be proactive and contact a skilled criminal attorney today.
Penalties for Prostitution ChargesIn Alabama, prostitution and soliciting prostitution are both class A misdemeanors, which are punishable by up to one year in jail and up to $6,000 in fines. Other prostitution-related crimes, such as promoting prostitution, carry even stiffer penalties.
A charge of promoting prostitution in the first-degree is a class B felony, carrying with it a sentence of two to 20 years in prison. Promoting prostitution is generally defined as using force or intimidation to coerce another to engage in prostitution.
Consequences for Someone’s Personal LifeThere are negative consequences to a prostitution conviction, or even a prostitution charge, that go beyond the criminal penalties. The risk of reputational damage within the community, the workplace, and one’s family makes a prostitution-related arrest troublesome. The stigma associated a with prostitution arrest, even if you are innocent, can follow you for a long time.
An experienced Tuscaloosa prostitution lawyer may know how to navigate the sensitive nature of a prostitution-related arrest and can fight hard to protect a person’s reputation using all legal tools possible.
Defenses to Prostitution ChargesIt is not uncommon for a person to be unfairly arrested for prostitution or solicitation. Tuscaloosa prostitution attorney should know all of the defenses that may be relevant to an individual’s circumstances. Some defenses commonly used to fight a prostitution or solicitation charge include:
If you have been arrested for any prostitution-related offense, your first step should be securing a relationship with a Tuscaloosa prostitution lawyer who can boost the chances of the best outcome in your case. Your lawyer will tirelessly defend every one of your legal rights, arguing all relevant defenses on your behalf to protect your freedom and your reputation. For more information about how we can help you face a prostitution charge head-on, contact an attorney today.