Prostitution laws applicable in Auburn, Alabama includes the charge of solicitation of a prostitute. Solicitation is where someone has the intent to solicit, encourage, or request another to engage in the act of prostitution. Solicitation differs from a prostitution charge as solicitation involves asking for a sexual act in exchange for money. Prostitution itself is when a person agrees to or completes that sexual act. If you have been charged with solicitation, a distinguished defense attorney can help. It may be critical to contact an Auburn solicitation lawyer as soon as you are accused. Read on to learn more about how a professional Auburn solicitation lawyer could offer you their assistance today.
Defenses to a Charge of SolicitationEven when individuals are arrested for solicitation, there are defenses and strategies an Auburn solicitation lawyer can use to protect the accused individual’s rights and fight for the best results for their case. Among the defenses to a charge of solicitation are insufficient facts to support a conviction, lack of intent to commit a criminal act, and entrapment.
Insufficient Facts to Support a ConvictionEvery fact necessary to establish a charge of a solicitation must be proven by a prosecutor at trial. This evidence can be produced by witnesses, police officers, or recorded conversations. Decoy prostitutes who are in fact police officers are typically used in solicitation cases. An able and aggressive lawyer can examine these statements for inconsistencies or errors and argue these errors for a more favorable outcome to the accused’s case.
Lack of Intent to Commit a Criminal ActThe law will not allow a criminal conviction against an individual if they did not possess the criminal intent to carry out that act. This means that if they did not have an intent to commit a crime, they cannot be found guilty of that crime. Individuals should speak with an Auburn solicitation lawyer about the consequences they may be facing.
EntrapmentMany solicitation cases are set up by the police, with an officer posing as a prostitute to entice someone into committing a crime. There are very strict rules regarding entrapment, and an Auburn solicitation lawyer can study the case very carefully to use their experience to uncover any mistakes the police may have made.
Aggravating FactorsIf the accused is not a US citizen, solicitation can be a crime of moral turpitude and affect one’s immigration status. As an alleged sex offender, accused individuals may face obstacles and difficulties obtaining employment and renting a residence. If the alleged offense involves a minor, the defendant will be required to register as a sex offender. Upon every birthday, the individual will have to report their address to the county sheriff, and be fingerprinted and photographed. Reach out to a professional defense attorney to learn more.
Potential Penalties for SolicitationIndividuals who are convicted of solicitation at the misdemeanor level are subject to up to one year in jail and a fine of $6,000. Someone can receive felony charges for solicitation if they have a prior conviction or the other party is a minor. Convicted individuals may have to take an STD test, and if married, the results will be disclosed to their spouse. If found guilty of solicitation with a minor, the defendant must register as a sex offender. Other penalties could include performing community service or attending a sex workshop class depending on a judge’s particular sentence. A knowledgeable Auburn solicitation lawyer may be able to assist in the mitigation of these penalties depending on the case’s circumstances.
Reaching Out to an Auburn Solicitation LawyerIf you are facing solicitation charges, do not hesitate to call an Auburn solicitation lawyer today to begin immediate work on your case. An experienced Auburn solicitation lawyer will work diligently on your behalf by gathering evidence, interviewing key witnesses, and preparing you for your appearance in court. Reach out to a skilled Auburn solicitation lawyer today to gain an aggressive advocate for your defense.