Prostitution in Pelham
Charges of engaging in any type of prostitution-related offense could result in criminal convictions with serious consequences. Mere accusations of being involved in prostitution activities may also do irreparable damage to your personal and professional reputation. If you are accused of participating in any aspect of prostitution, you may wish to get the advice of a Pelham prostitution lawyer before your case progresses any further.
Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney may benefit you in various ways. Legal counsel may be able to assist in investigating the charges against you and determining your options. With this information, you may be able to make better decisions about your case.
Prostitution and Related OffensesAlabama Code § 13a-12-120 defines prostitution as people engaging in any sex act, intercourse, or contact in exchange for money or anything of value. Under Ala. Code § 13a-12-121, it is illegal to engage in prostitution. It is also unlawful for individuals to solicit or force anyone to engage in prostitution, and to agree to engage in prostitution and get money as part of that agreement.
This section also makes it illegal to intentionally cause or help another engage in, solicit others, or provide others for prostitution, or to provide a place for prostitution to occur. Receiving money as part of an agreement to assist with and share in the proceeds of any prostitution activity or running a place where prostitution occurs are also illegal activities.
Prostitution charges could result even when no sex act takes place. It could be enough to agree to engage in prostitution or agree or buy sex for charges to occur. The persons charged need not necessarily be the persons involved in the sex act, as it is illegal to force others to participate in prostitution. Individuals accused of prostitution are recommended to reach out to a Pelham prostitution attorney.
Pimping and PanderingPimping typically involves arranging for others to engage in prostitution and receiving money or otherwise benefitting from that arrangement. Pandering typically involves soliciting others for the purposes of prostitution. These offenses also are Class A misdemeanors.
Promoting ProstitutionPromoting prostitution is a more serious offense than engaging in other prostitution-related activities. Under Ala. Code § 13A-12-111, first degree promoting prostitution could occur when individuals knowingly:
- Use force to make others participate in prostitution or profits from persons who are forcing others to participate in prostitution
- Profit from prostitution activities involving minors under the age of 16
Promoting prostitution in the second degree pursuant to Ala. Code § 13A-12-112 could occur when persons run a prostitution house or business that involves two or more prostitutes other than themselves. The operation of the business may occur alone or in association with others.
Second-degree promoting prostitution also could occur when individuals profit from prostitution involving minors under the age of 18. Ala. Code § 13A-12-113 dictates that third-degree promoting prostitution typically involves knowingly profiting from prostitution. A seasoned Pelham prostitution lawyer could help individuals understand the exact nature and consequences of the charges they face.
Potential Penalties for Offenses in PelhamProstitution offenses typically result in Class A misdemeanor charges pursuant to Ala. Code § 13a-12-122. A Class A misdemeanor could result in fines of up to $6,000 and a jail sentence of up to one year. As the penalties for even a Class A misdemeanor can be rather serious, getting the advice of a prostitution attorney in Pelham may be useful.
As stated by Ala. Code § 13a-5-6, promoting prostitution in the first degree is a Class B felony, which could result in a prison sentence ranging from two to 20 years. A second-degree promoting prostitution charge is a Class C felony, which may result in a prison sentence of one year and one day up to 10 years. Third degree promoting prostitution is a Class A misdemeanor.
Contact a Pelham Prostitution Lawyer for AssistanceWhen you are facing charges related to prostitution, you may be embarrassed and highly concerned about the impact of those charges on your future. Contacting a Pelham prostitution lawyer may be a first step toward fighting back against the charges.
Getting legal representation from the very beginning of your case may be helpful in building a strong defense in your case. Having a legal advocate on your side could make a substantial difference in the outcome of your case. Call today to learn more.