Trussville Sex Crimes Lawyer
Sex crimes could include acts ranging from lewd behavior and public urination to rape and sexual assault. It could be vital to take any accusation or charge of a sex crime seriously. If you are facing criminal accusations, you may find the assistance of a Trussville sex crimes lawyer invaluable. A seasoned criminal defense attorney may be able to help you navigate the legal process so you could understand your rights and the laws at issue. Let a representative work with you to build a strong plan of defense, deal with the police, and fight for a positive resolution.
What are Commonly Charged Sex-Related Crimes?Sex crimes encompass a broad category that may include numerous criminal offenses of a sexual nature. A Trussville sex crimes attorney could help individuals understand the nature of the specific allegations they are facing, and could also build their defense case.
RapeRape, a Class A felony found in the Code of Alabama §13A-6-61, is defined as forcible sex with someone of the opposite gender. This includes sex with those who cannot consent since they are physically helpless or lack mental capacity. It also covers statutory rape involving someone who is at least 16 years old with another person who is younger than 12 years of age. A person facing such allegations is recommended to contact an experienced attorney for help.
Sexual AbuseSexual abuse is often used to describe behavior that does not meet the definition of rape. It is a Class C felony, as noted in Ala. Code § 13A-6-66.
Sexual HarassmentDistributing a private image with the intention to harass, coerce, or intimidate the person in the picture is considered sexual harassment, as noted in Ala. Code §13A-6-240. It is harassment if the picture was meant to be confidential or was taken without the person’s consent. A first-conviction of sexual harassment is a Class A misdemeanor, while a subsequent conviction is a Class C felony.
Lewd ConductIndecent exposure may include public urination. When a person exposes their genitals and they are doing so to arouse the actor or other people around them, that act is a violation of the law. A first or second offense is a Class A misdemeanor, while later offenses are considered Class C felonies.
Long-Term Impact of a Sexual Offense ConvictionOne of the long-lasting effects of a conviction for a sex crime is the inclusion of a convicted person’s name on the sex offender register. It may be difficult or impossible to have the registration removed, even if a person obtains an expungement of their record. Any felony charges may also affect a person’s ability to receive employment or find housing.
These long-term effects do not account for the potential immediate effects of a charge. Contingent on the accused sexual offense, convicted people may face jail sentences, fines, and a tarnished reputation. Considering the possible consequences, it may to beneficial to have a dedicated sexual offenses attorney in Trussville work to minimize the impact of an accusation or charge.
Contact a Trussville Sex Crimes Attorney for More InformationIf you are facing criminal charges, you may want to take action immediately. Contact a Trussville sex crimes lawyer to learn more about the process before you and how to defend yourself and your rights. During an initial consultation, an attorney could provide additional information to help you understand your rights and potential next steps during this complicated process. Allow an attorney to assist you today.