Alabama prostitution convictions may come with serious penalties attached. If a judge or jury finds you guilty and convicts you of prostitution, you could face thousands of dollars in monetary fines, not to mention incarceration and a potential requirement to register as a sex offender.
If you are facing prostitution charges, you should not delay in seeking out experienced legal counsel to represent you in your case. An Alabama prostitution lawyer could review your case with you and may be able to handle your case in court.
The Nature of a Prostitution ChargeAlabama prostitution charges are more complex than some people believe. Under Alabama Criminal Code §12A-12-121, a person can clearly sustain prostitution charges if they engage in sexual activity of any kind for compensation.
However, a person can also face prostitution charges if they merely agree or offer to take part in these activities for money. This is true even if they do not actually engage in the agreed-upon sexual activity. In either case, upon conviction, the offender may face the same potential penalties.
Types of Prostitution ChargesVarious criminal offenses can result in a prostitution charge. Under the law, those offenses include but are not necessarily limited to:
- Working as a prostitute or hiring a prostitute
- Soliciting another person to take part in a prostitution crime
- Assisting a person with soliciting or engaging a prostitute
- Soliciting patrons for prostitution (i.e. “pimping”)
- Making certain premises available for a prostitution crime
- Accepting money or other valuable compensation from a prostitution crime
- Operating a house of prostitution (i.e. a “house of ill repute”) or running a prostitution enterprise
An Alabama prostitution lawyer could explain the types of actions that may legally qualify as prostitution under the law.
Potential Sex Offender DesignationIn addition to the potential monetary fines and other penalties associated with a prostitution conviction, a convicted offender may also have to register as a sex offender depending on the determination of the sentencing judge. Sex offender registries are readily available to the general public online, and individuals can actively search these registries at any time.
Moreover, online background checks are becoming increasingly more common when it comes to making employment decisions and reviewing residential lease applications. Consequently, a sex offender designation in an Alabama prostitution case could make it difficult for you to find and keep a good job, attend a good school, or live in a good neighborhood.
Calling an Alabama Prostitution AttorneyThe penalties associated with Alabama prostitution charges and convictions can increase if the offense involves minors who were under the age of 18 at the time the offense occurred. Regardless, the potential penalties and impacts on your life in any prostitution case are too great to justify going it alone.
If you are charged with prostitution in the State of Alabama, a skilled criminal defense attorney may be able to assist you with your case. In addition to potentially negotiating a favorable plea deal with the prosecution, an Alabama prostitution lawyer could represent you at your criminal trial and assert a favorable legal defense on your behalf.